Welcome to Dr. Kim Hendi’s Publishing Site:
This site hosts Kim’s doctoral dissertation, both English and Spanish versions. It will be updated regularly with materials from her publications, presentations, academic proposals, and blogs.
We invite you to check both English and Spanish pages of the site, as the materials have been uploaded in the language they were developed, so the content of the pages might be different.
Materials / Presentations:
The Embassy of the Republic of Argentina in Canada and the University of Ottawa are organizing an International Conference titled “Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Argentina.” The purpose of this event is to reflect both collectively and from a range of disciplinary perspectives on Argentina today.
September 6-9, 2016 – ITU – 6th Green Standards Week – Conferencia Ciudades Digitales (ASIET) – Montevideo, Uruguay
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) together with the Municipality of Montevideo (IMM), the Inter-American Association of Telecommunication Enterprises (ASIET), the Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Basel Convention Regional Centre for the South American Region (CRBAS) and the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), is organizing the sixth edition of the Green Standards Week, from 5 to 9 September 2016 in Montevideo, Uruguay.
The first edition of the Green Standards Week was held in September 2011 in Rome, Italy. Since its inception, the Green Standards Week has been acting as global platform for discussions and knowledge-sharing on the importance and opportunities of using information and communication technologies (ICTs) to protect the environment and expedite the transition to smart sustainable cities. This year, the Green Standards Week is dedicated to the theme of “Shaping Smart Sustainable Cities: Towards Habitat III”. This event continues to attract top policy-makers to engineers, designers, smart city planners, government officials, regulators, standards experts, academia and others, who participate in these event every year.
November 3 y 4, 2015 – Conference of Digital Cities – Santiago, Chile
http://ciudadesdigitales2015.org/ , http://asiet.lat/eventos/%E2%80%8Bciudades-digitales/ y http://ciudadesdigitales2015.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/programa-ciudades.pdf
Pannel: “Experiences of citizen engagement in the administration of local governments.” Conference on Digital Cities promoted by ASIET.
Moderator: Kim Hendi, Canada and Argentina
Doctoral Dissertation:
Kim Hendi-Doctoral Dissertation- Policy Windows – 2014-2015
Policy Windows: Advancing Information Societies. An analysis of ICT initiatives led by the Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI) of Argentina between 1998 – 2008 By Kim Hendi
Presented to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the Universidad de Belgrano in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Political Science Under the Supervision of;
Dr. Sam Lanfranco
Dr. Andres Fontana
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Ottawa, Canada
“Vision without implementation is hallucination” Thomas A. Edison
This doctoral dissertation explores three cases of public policy initiatives related to information and communication technologies (ICTs). The cases selected concern ICT policies and initiatives implemented between 1998 and 2008 by the Argentine organization Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI).
The hypothesis put forward is that when ICT policies and initiatives are implemented with the involvement of organizations having particular characteristics which succeed in promoting their dissemination among the population and in the policy process, the opportunities increase for these initiatives to have long term effects. These effects ultimately lead to the development of policy windows leading to policy change and a subsequent advancement of information societies. The research performed in this dissertation identifies possible conditions and elements which would raise the prospects for these results to occur.
A multiple-perspective approach was developed to conduct inquiry into the temporal, procedural and causal aspects of policy formulation around complex issues such as ICTs and the information societies. Although this dissertation researched public policies around ICTs, it is anticipated the outcome would also apply to other social and economic sectors.